We started redesigning the look and feel of jannily.com because neither Paul or I were happy with it. The last time I made a website was when I was in high school and we all had to make something about our neighbourhoood ... and the internet was so new to me that I wasn't even sure what it was. A lot has changed. I sat down with a dreamweaver tutorial the other night and started to read, got bored, and then started playing around. The landing page is mostly done but it has been pretty slow going. There are still a few details to be added, and measurements to be figured out. The good thing is that I didn't wait too long to start this, or I'd be moving over a lot more!

Meet the new little boy snail! J thought he should have one for himself. His name is Fred. Sorry the photo quality is poor, the batteries were running out so much that it shut off twice while I tried to take a picture. You can see that he is quite a bit smaller, measuring in at about 10" from the bottom to the top of his shell and 12" from his rump to neck.
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